Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Generation For Christ

Hello, my name is Weeradet Theerawutthirod, but you may call me Art. I am a 31 year old Akha man living in Chiang Rai, Thailand. I grew up in an Akha village near the border of Burma and Thailand. I became a Christian when I was 18 years old during a Discipleship Training School (DTS) through Youth with a Mission (YWAM). Since that time God has given me a desire to reach out to my fellow Akha people with the good news of Christ. I graduated from the YWAM’s DTS, School of Evangelism, and English for Missions courses. I have been volunteering with YWAM’s DTS’s here in Thailand for several years now. Before that I worked with a ministry called Akha Outreach Foundation (A.O.F.) for over two years, where I helped take care of 70+ Akha orphans teaching and instructing them daily in the ways of Truth. I also taught several Bible classes at their Bible College of about 45 students. I speak Thai, Akha, and English fluently and can also understand several hill tribe languages as well as some Laotian. God has blessed me abundantly and allowed me many opportunities to help others and I have a heart for my people specifically the younger generation. The Bible says in Luke 2:52 "Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men." This scripture shows that Jesus did not only grow physically, but intellectually and spiritually. I believe that this scripture shows us how important it is that young people have a mentor who is teaching and directing them all of these areas. If there’s one specific group I see with a real need for discipleship it would be young Akha males living in the cities without any kind of work or educational development spending their time getting into trouble. I want to help those young individuals who come from poor families and otherwise would not have an opportunity to grow in these areas by offering them a place to stay and mentoring them. Proverbs 22:6 says "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." I believe that God has given me a heart for the young Akha teenagers here in Chiang Rai and I would like to open a house for them so that they can experience living and learning together in a Christian environment. I want them to learn to use their youthful energy to reach out to other people, in their schools and in their communities.

Where the Vision came from:
I first got this vision for the younger Akha generation when I was on staff with Akha Outreach foundation. In the past I would never have thought I would come to work with my fellow Akha people though I am Akha myself. Akha is the name of a hill tribe people group originating from Southwestern China who migrated down into surrounding countries such as Laos, Burma, Vietnam and parts of Northern Thailand. Many times I asked God “Why did you make me Akha?” I disliked the fact that I was Akha because many people look down on the Akha as a lower class uneducated people. I was very shy when people asked me “Are you Akha?” I would say, “No I ‘m Thai”. I got that same question once I became a Christian and still I was ashamed and didn’t like myself. That was until God called me to work with the young Akha Orphans living at A.O.F. a few years ago. God used that time to open my heart and let me see how He loves my people and cares for them. God healed me deep down inside my heart and showed me His love for me and my people, and from that time on I knew that my people were special to God. Every time I see young Akha teenagers walking the wrong road or making bad decisions it breaks my heart. Many of them are ashamed of who they are and thus have bad attitudes like I once had. One day I asked God, “How can I help them?” God told me to pray for them and He would show me His heart. So this is the beginning of a Ministry for young Akha teenagers, to disciple them and to help educate them so that they may go on to serve the Lord in their own lives. (Luke 2:52)(Proverb 22:6)

The Plan:
To rent a house near Chiang Rai for students who are moving from Junior High up to High School or University, in order to disciple them and help support their desire to have a better education and strengthen their relationships with the Lord. I would live with the guys and require them to have Bible Study and go to church weekly. It would give me a better opportunity to disciple them. Because I am Akha myself, it is very easy for me to relate to the Akha teenagers backgrounds, culture and daily challenges they face. I am looking and praying for 1 or 2 self-supported staff to come along side and partner with me in helping mentor these young students.

The Need:
Presently there are several Akha teenagers unfortunately walking the wrong path. They are involved in alcohol abuse, drug addiction, gangs, stealing, and sexual immorality. They have nobody looking after them closely and giving them sound advice. Many young teens have left their families and are now living in town in order to study at high schools, vocational schools and universities, and they are tempted by the things they encounter in the city after having left their villages in the mountains. This is why it is so important that somebody is looking after them and teaching them the right way to go. Many of them are afraid to leave their villages because they do not know what the city is like and do not know how to survive there, but they do not want to stay in the village because there is very little opportunity for work or education.

Requirements for residence:
1. Young men must be willing to study and learn about Christ.
2. Their parents are required to cover all school fees and contribute to their expenses for food and living. (As a ministry, we will provide housing for free and some of the budget for food and toiletries.)
3. They must have a purpose for moving to the city (to attend school or work- this will be on a case-to-case basis).
4. They must be diligent in their studies and do whatever’s possible to pass all their classes.

Logistics: The house rent would cost about 3,000 baht a month or $100 U.S. In Chiang Rai, $50 U.S. is a good estimate of the required monthly costs for food, travel, and living expenses per student. I am currently renting a small three bedroom house in down town Chiang Rai at the rate of 3,000 baht a month.

In Phases:
First year (starting April 2008): accept 6 new students all at different levels of education and commit to helping teach and direct them up until the time they graduate and move on
Second year: accept up to possibly 4 more students
Third year: add no more than 5 new students keeping the total number of students under or around 15
I would like to keep the numbers small in order to focus more attention on each of the students and dedicate a fair amount of time to each of them personally as well as a group.

Long Term Goals:
While we will be living together, I would like to train them by going to outreach in surrounding Akha villages not just here in Thailand but one day in such countries as Laos, Vietnam, Burma, and China. We will be doing evangelistic type services and other activities such as helping build churches or homes along with building relationships with the villagers. It is my hope that through these experiences, some of the students will find a heart to do outreach type work in the villages and I could begin training them to lead outreach missions in the future.


  1. Disciple young Akha males
  2. Teach them leadership skills
  3. Help them reach out to their people for Christ
  4. Help them get an education
  5. Help them develop Spiritually as well as emotionally
  6. Try to keep them from getting involved in bad things (drugs, alcohol, gangs, immorality, etc.)
  7. Teach them to love and appreciate Akha culture as God made it
  8. Teach them to care for others


  1. The young men will have a genuine loving relationship with the Lord and desire to make him known to others
  2. After graduating they will find good jobs by which they can support themselves or that some may go on to study at Bible Colleges
  3. They will go back to their villages and help their communities develop in different ways
  4. They will live holy lives pleasing and honoring to God for His kingdom


If you feel that you would like to be a part of this project and want to support a specific student, please pray about it and let us know. I believe that these guys need prayer support as much as they need financial support. You may also support our general fund. This money will be used to buy some initial supplies (a couple bicycles, utensils, cooking supplies, etc.) and will be saved for the young students who will be living in the house. You can send your support as a 1 time donation or if you prefer you may commit to supporting a student for 1 year at a total of $600 or $50/ month.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for your prayers and support. I thank God for giving me a heart as well as a vision to love and serve my people and I hope to pass that vision on to the future generations. Every prayer that comes from your heart will be a blessing to us. (2 Corinthians 9: 6-15)
If you would be interested in bringing a missions team to visit us here, we would love to have you come and work with us as well as gain an unforgettable experience with the Akha people.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for all the new students that will be coming to stay at the home this year.
  2. Pray that their hearts may be opened to hear and receive what the Lord has for them.
  3. Please pray that all their financial needs for schooling and living will be met.
  4. Please pray for staff support in the future
  5. Please pray that we might obtain a vehicle for doing outreach in the villages
  6. Please pray that we might find support for the rental costs of the house
  7. Please pray that we might be able to raise enough support for all the students living needs

If you feel called and interested in a part of this valuable ministry, whether through Prayer, spiritual, encouragement, friendship and financial support, please feel free to contact in several ways:
1. Weeradet (Art) Teerawuttirod (Manager)
E: mail:
Tel: ++66-89-431-8256

2. Jonathan and Ashley Wallace, Email:

New Generation For Christ Discipleship Chart

New Generation For Christ Discipleship Chart