Sunday, October 25, 2009


Just recently, NEW GEN was accepted to be part of YWAM (Youth With a Mission), a well known mission organization. YWAM will provide organizational support, mentoring & leadership to Art, and help raising financial support. New Gen is growing, and more and more Akha teenagers are hearing about the dorm and wanting to stay with Art. Many of these teenagers live in small villages in the mountains with little opportunity for education past 6th grade or work, which often leads them to go to the "big city" alone where they end up in gangs or addicted to drugs or even worse. The dorm gives them a place to stay in the "big city" where they can be mentored, learn to adjust to city life, and grow in relationship to Christ as well. These students have also been making an impact on their friends by being positive role models in the community. Of the students who have stayed with Art, several have come to faith in Christ from Animist (spirit worship) backgrounds, some have gone on to Bible School, most have participated in outreach to Akha villages, and all have participated in Bible studies, worship, 1 on 1 mentoring, and school/work.

I want to ask you to consider giving financially to the dorm. I cannot think of a place where your money will be used more effectively to make a difference in the lives of people. Art has proven to us and to his peers that he is responsible and that his heart is following the "way, the truth, & the life". Students contribute to their housing, but they come from the poorest of families and a subsidy is needed. Ashley & I will continue to support Art however we can, through prayer, financial support, encouragement, and visiting him (hopefully soon). Will you join us in helping show Christ's love to one of the most physically & spiritually oppressed peoples in the world?

To make a tax deductible contribution from the US, mail a check payable to YWAM to:
501 Blacktail Road
Lakeside, Montana 59922

Ph: (406) 844-2221

*do not write anything in the memo line of the check, but do include a note in the envelope that says "support for
project #3672, New Generation for Christ ministry in Chiang Rai, Thailand".

You may want to send me an email as well so that I can follow up to ensure the money gets transferred to Art. If you would like to make monthly contributions, let me know & I will get you the form for that.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Students for 2009-2010

Many of last year's students have moved on to bigger things. Some were accepted in Bible School, some have jobs, and some felt they had matured enough to move out and give other students the opportunity to move from the village to the city. 2008-2009 saw God doing a lot of work in those students, and we hope he continues his work in this new group of students.

New Generation For Christ Discipleship Chart

New Generation For Christ Discipleship Chart